Are You Ready for a Serious Girlfriend? 10 Questions to Ask Yourself

A relationship can make a world of difference in your personal and professional life — but are you really ready to get serious? Your boys may be getting engaged or just engaging the chicks at the bar, but in this endeavor, you have to define your own path. If you think you’re ready for forever, ask yourself these questions first.
First Things First: Where Do You Find The One?
Finding the perfect partner to have experiences and memories with isn’t an easy feat. Taking your time slowly is essential to meet the right match for you. If you’re planning to look for a girlfriend, keep in mind that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for everyone, as your relationship is something you both have to work on.
However, the first and foremost question that everyone asks when going into a relationship is where to find one. Anyone can be your partner right now, whether it’s a friend, colleague, someone in the same coffee shop as you, or even a person from miles away right now. If you want to get out of your comfort zone and explore outside your city, visit to see the best dating sites where you may meet the girl of your dreams!
10. Are You Content with You?
Before you make the decision to seek out a wife, make sure you’re done fighting your own demons. If having more than your fair share of women didn’t heal you, why would you expect one woman to be able to? And expect her to fill that void forever? Forever-ever? Ever ever? As William Golding once said, “Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater...If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal...She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.” But the same can be said about giving her negativity. Be secure in who you are — your career, your passions and your shortcomings — before you present yourself to a potential partner. Like the saying goes, “How you gon’ win when you aint right within?”
After all, finding someone while you’re still experiencing emotional issues is the perfect recipe for disaster, and you’ll only end up wasting each other’s time. Always make sure you’re ready to love and be loved before entering a romantic relationship.
9. Where Do You Stand Financially?
Having money isn't everything, not having it is, and most women expect for their potential partner to be able to provide. Regardless of her income, if you’re not currently at a point in your career that gives you financial security, you’re not ready to enter a lasting relationship. If you’re having to borrow a few bucks too often, she may start to worry that she’s dealing with a hobosexual — a man or woman that jumps into a relationship to mooch off their partner, even to the point of living with them rent free. Additionally, if you are secure financially, it’s important to assess how much time and energy you’re investing in your career. If it’s extensive, will you be alright with giving some of that effort to a relationship, and can you accept the opportunity costs that come with that relationship? Do some self-reflection and make sure the bag is secured.
With good financial standing, you can also start planning your future with your partner. Things such as savings, a residential property, and expenses for potential children are crucial financial aspects to building a meaningful life with your woman. Besides, being financially responsible prepares you for marriage, as you’ll need to create a budget with your spouse constantly once you’re married.
8. Where Are Your Priorities
On a sheet of paper, rank these factors from most important to least: money, sex, faith, family, physique, love, and location. Which of these are absolutes and which are you willing to compromise on in order to maximize the others? Knowing what’s important to you, as well as to your partner, is a critical piece of the foundation of a lasting relationship. You may be inclined to love a woman that makes good money and wants to start a family, even if she doesn’t have a perfect figure and wants to move out of the city. What if the woman you want subscribes to a different faith or has kids of her own? Knowing where you’re willing to concede and where you have to stand firm will save you time, money and ultimately peace of mind.
7. What’s Your Type?
On that same sheet of paper, create a profile of your ideal woman, and get specific: how tall is she, what are her measurements, what skin tone is she, what is her income level, how well can she cook, what are her hobbies and interests, etc. etc. The reason for this is so that you can compare this profile to your priorities and see how the two align. You may be surprised to find some cognitive dissonance going on, and that’s a sign that you need to do more reflecting before you enter the dating scene. You won’t have much luck finding the one for you if you don’t know who you’re looking for. As you gain a clear vision, you’ll thin out the possible candidates. This isn’t a bad thing; it just means that you’re elevating yourself and in turn limiting others’ access to you. It may sound self-centered, but it can help avoid countless headaches and keep you from breaking hearts along the way. But a word of inside game: Once you’ve got your priorities and the profile in accord, take a step back to assess yourself — are you the type of man a woman of that caliber would entertain?
6. What’s your 5 Year Plan?
We see it in the movies all the time — an authority figure asks the main character, “Where do you see yourself in five years,” and all too often, the answer is uncertain. Don’t be that guy. Know where you want to be in life and what that looks like realistically. Are you in a position to become a homeowner in that time? Do you intend to have a higher position within your current career? Do you plan to have kids by then? Do you see yourself living in the same city? Explore the possibilities and as you begin to build a clear vision, write it on that same sheet of paper. Where do your ideal woman and your priorities fit in with that plan? There’s a lot of moving parts to this puzzle, so don’t worry if you don’t have every step of the way figured out — it’s a process. Just remember, most women want a man that can lead, but if you don’t know what you’re leading the relationship to, you’ll arrive at heartbreak sooner than expected.
5. Where Will You Call Home?
In your quest to create a lasting legacy, part of the process is figuring out what city you’ll call your kingdom — and additionally, where you plan to find your queen. Are you willing to relocate for love? Do you expect her to uproot her life to follow your lead? Could you handle a long-distance relationship if it came to that? These are critical questions to ask before you get out of the game. And don’t dismiss the idea of long-distance love so easily. A 2018 study conducted by KIIROO — an award-winning interactive sex toy company — found that nearly 60% of long-distance relationships last long-term. This survey also showed that the lack of physical intimacy was the biggest challenge of long-distance love (66%), with 31% saying they missed sex the most.
4. Are You Playing for Keeps?
There’s nothing wrong with being a lifelong bachelor or a serial dater, but if you want a woman to spend her time with you, then you need to know, and communicate, what path you hope for the relationship to follow. Most women are dating with purpose, and that purpose is to eventually become a wife. So before you start looking into the best place to buy engagement rings for when you find the right one, you need to really reflect on what you truly see in your future and what you want to see. Is it just one person? One person you can call your wife, or are you wanting to go with the flow and just have fun? Don’t be afraid of marriage; it can be a great path, especially if you intend to — or already — have children, as growing up in a two-parent home drastically increases the probability of high quality of life for children into adulthood. While marriage doesn’t have many tangible benefits for you, it can prove to be a critical investment into your legacy.
3. Plan B or Plan A?
Do you want to have kids? Are you willing to date — and possibly marry — a woman that already has a child? Just from a numbers standpoint, the longer you wait to get into a relationship, the more likely it is that you’ll be dealing with another man’s child in the mix. If you’re looking for long term, then the topic of children is bound to come up somewhere along the way. You may come to find that you and your partner have different views on children, whether that be when to start, how many to have, or if you want children at all. Where do kids land in your list of priorities? Figure that out before you find yourself negotiating Plan B or child support.
2. Can You Be Vulnerable?
Getting a woman’s attention is fairly easy for many men, but the real challenge comes in when it’s time to take off your cool and show your partner who you are for real. This means being able to express your emotions, to communicate openly, and to be vulnerable with your partner knowing that they may not accept your full authentic self. Openness isn’t always easy, and you’re bound to bump into obstacles, but are you willing to work through the issues with your partner? Truth be told, most people aren’t ready for this and end up living diminished versions of themselves through the course of the relationship.
1. Are You Ready to Hang it Up?
If you’ve spent most of your adult years in the streets spreading the word of the lord and savior Future Hendrix, are you sure you’re ready to type a text to a girl you used to see, sayin' that you chose this cutie pie with whom you wanna be? Can you handle waking up with the same person every day? Are you ready to let go of the days of getting a woman’s attention just off the conversation? Can you handle impressing the same woman long after she’s seen your old moves? A lot of this question boils down to whether or not you feel like you’ve had your fill of the single life. If you have, then hurry hurry, gone to the altar. I know you ain't a pimp, but pimp remember what I taught ya. If you’re not...then keep ya heart Three Stacks, keep ya heart.

Nick Bailey is a forward thinking journalist with a well-rounded skill set unafraid to take on topics head on. He now resides in Austin, TX and continues to create content on a daily basis.