The Real Reason Kids Resist the Home Move

When we have families to consider, the already stressful process of moving home can become a whole lot harder. After all, even a small move can feel like a major disruption to little people, and many parents find that some level of resistance is inevitable as a result of that. But, what happens if your children are entirely unwilling to consider even the idea of moving?
This is a reality that countless parents face, and it can make life incredibly difficult. To avoid that, it’s therefore vital that you take a step back and think about the following reasons why your children might be so against the idea of a big moving adventure.
# 1 - You’re asking them to leave too much behind
While you might think that moving to the suburbs is going to make family life a lot better, a child who has only ever lived in the city might feel very different when it comes to what they’d have to leave behind. Of course, wherever you move, they’re going to have to leave things like friends and familiar settings, but if they’re also discarding their entire way of life, there’s no easy way for them to begin accepting this idea. While that doesn’t mean that you can’t all move and live happily ever after, it does mean that you should always be aware of how much your child is having to sacrifice, and whether you could reduce that by, say, moving close to something familiar like a city even if you fancy the suburban life.
# 2 - They’re worried about disruption
Regardless of where you’re moving, your child may also resist this process purely because they’re worried about disruptions. As such, anything you can do to minimize the threat of disruption is going to help, even if that’s something as simple as opting for easier-to-unpack moving solution like the one offered by SMARTBOX Solutions, Inc. that can see their room and belongings back intact before they have a chance to miss them. Equally, getting them signed up to start at local schools straight away, and making sure they know their options for things like after-school groups, etc., is sure to help them feel a little less wary, and a little more like joining in with your moving day excitement.
# 3 - They don’t feel included
Looking at locations, considering properties, and imagining our new lives elsewhere is crucial for getting us in the mood to move, but it’s something that we too often exclude our children from. Unfortunately, if your kids don’t even get a say in things like the property you choose, then there’s always going to be a certain level of disconnect here for them. Avoid this by including them in even the smallest moving decisions, to help them get their minds, and their hopes, invested in a process that no longer feels half as alien.
Family moves are as stressful as it gets. Make this process a little easier by removing these barriers to getting your kids on board.

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