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The Best Holiday Spirits of 2021

After the year we’ve had, it’s safe to say that everyone could appreciate a drink. Whether you’re looking for something to sip at this year’s holiday party with friends or planning the perfect present for a more refined palette, we’ve found the best spirits in 2021 — no humbugs on this list!

Maison Noir Wines 2017 “Oregogne” Chardonnay

​​The fancy talk: Engaging flinty mineral flavors usher into a crisp palate of lemon cucumber, green pear, grilled hazelnuts and yellow apple. Balanced acidity with a fine stony finish. The Noram talk: This chardonnay tastes amazing. It’s not overbearing and can be enjoyed with meal (trust us on this one) and can also be enjoyed on its own. Best of all, this brand is Black owned by the very talented André Hueston Mack. While working as a sommelier in San Antonio, Mack discovered the joys of introducing guests to the little known vineyards that first attracted him to the business. While still in Texas, Mack was awarded the prestigious title of Best Young Sommelier in America by the highly regarded Chaine des Rotisseurs. He has since gone on to reach massive success, managing a 1800 selection award-winning wine list, and now creating his own wines.

TWF Tequila Blanco

We’ve talked about Tequila With Friends (TWF) before, and we’re still fans of the brand. They’re a Black-owned brand built by friendships grown in Texas’ own Oak Cliff in Dallas. Their Tequila Blanco is made from 100% estate owned blue agave grown in Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico. Seven-year-old blue agave is harvested, slow-roasted in centuries-old brick ovens, and extracted using a roller mill. A slow/medium fermentation system is used before the batch is double distilled in copper pots, and then proofed to 40% ABV.

White Peach from Still Moon

Sip STILL MOON for a clean, crisp flavor and a warm, smooth mouth feel. Moonshine has been secretly distilled in the quiet hollows of the Appalachian Mountains since the 1800s and transported under the still light of the moon. Down South Beverage Company harnessed the authenticity of their Great Granddaddy's moonshine recipes from the tobacco roads of the Carolinas and gave it a sophisticated flair. Great granddaddy would be proud that his backwoods moon has emerged into a sophisticated shine! An American symbol of the south, this "Georgia peach" presents a well blended corn whiskey, full of fruit and spices.

Highway Vodka

The Highway Distillery — Houston’s premier vodka distillery — believes that vodka should have a distinct character, and wants your special someone to experience the natural flavors of the spirit and the grains that produce them. Their unique strain of seed and grain makes Highway the hemp vodka they always wanted! Highway Vodka is distilled 6x, only keeping the hearts of the run to preserve some of the nuance and sweetness of the corn and the oils from the hemp. This yields a smooth vodka that has a noticeably different viscosity and mouth feel than other vodkas. Highway is a vodka that can be sipped, savored and enjoyed neat, chilled or as a foundation to even the most complex cocktails with the scent of surprise and the kiss of sweetness. 

NEFT Vodka

NEFT is an ultra-premium vodka with a taste as memorable as its container: a one-of-a-kind, portable and unbreakable barrel that keeps NEFT cold for up to 6 hours in any season. While the barrel may be the hook, it’s the extremely smooth taste that helps NEFT stand out. Perfect for holiday gifting or anyone who wants to up their spirits game, NEFT will make an unexpected and luxurious addition to your gift list. 

NEFT Watermelon Julep

1.5 oz NEFT ultra-premium vodka
1 oz Fresh watermelon juice
0.5 oz Lemon juice
0.5 oz Mint simple syrup
1 Splash of soda water

Shake all ingredients in a mixing tin with ice. Pour into Collins glass. Top with soda. Garnish with watermelon and fresh mint.

Rose Gold ​​Rosé

Rose Gold was created as an affordable lifestyle brand, with a mission to create happy memories. Whether relaxing on a sunny patio, sipping poolside with friends or family, or enjoying a glass at weekend brunch, Rose Gold’s 2020 Côtes de Provence Rosé is a perfect addition to the experience. A blend consisting mostly of grenache and cinsault, bursting with red fruits ranging from cherry to watermelon, the beautiful pale pink shade is complemented by the aroma of rich, fresh fruits, followed by hints of white flowers and minerals.

Casa Dragones Tequila

Casa Dragones Barrel Blend, 100% Blue Agave Añejo sipping tequila, achieves its distinctive character from being matured in two different wood barrels, new French Oak and new American Oak, each selected for their individual flavor and characteristics. At the end of the aging process, both barrel styles are blended together to create a uniquely smooth, agave-forward taste profile.


2 oz Casa Dragones Añejo Barrel Blend
1oz Vermouth Rosso
¼ oz Luxardo Marschino or Other Maraschino Liqueur
3 Dashes Chocolate Bitters
Orange Twist and Amarena Cherry

In a mixing glass, add Casa Dragones Añejo Barrel Blend, vermouth, maraschino, and bitters. Add ice and stir for 15–20 seconds. Serve in a chilled nick & nora glass. Cut an orange peel, using the twist to provide aroma to the cocktail. Garnish with an orange twist and an Amarena cherry

Kástra Elión Vodka ($55)

While most vodkas are made with just grain, Kástra Elión is distilled from the finest hand-picked olives in the Nafpaktos region of Greece, creating a flavor profile with subtle notes of ripe olives refined with peppery undertones and a soft, buttery finish. Although the distillation process is similar to that of vodka made with grains and potatoes, the flavor profile of vodka made with olives is completely unique and smoother than most. Whether they prefer to enjoy it neat, over rocks, or chilled for the ultimate martini, it's the perfect addition to any at-home happy hour!

Kástra Spritz

2oz Kástra
.75oz Aperol
.5oz Simple Syrup
Top w/ Club Soda
Dried Orange Slice
Rosemary Stick

Fill tall balloon or wine glass generously with cubed ice. Combine simple syrup, Aperol, & Kástra. Top with a splash of soda. Garnish with a long Rosemary stick and a dried orange.


Tincup has long been a favorite with the Black Texas team, and with good reason. It’s robustly flavorful, and unforgettably delicious. Tincup’s Rye impressed us with notes of sweet vanilla, fresh tobacco, and smooth caramel, and Tincup 10 is even better. Their stunning Tincup 10 is aged for 10 years and released in small quantities yearly, subscribing to the old adage that difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.

The Black Girl Magic Trio With Gift Box

McBride Sisters has grown into what is not only the largest Black-owned wine company in the United States, but one of the most inclusive, accessible, socially aware and sustainable, and the Black Girl Magic collection, Robin and Andrea’s personal ode to their culture and story, is inspired by the magic and resilience of Black women, to be enjoyed by all. All three wines are fruit-forward and balanced with great body. Stylish and delicious, introduce your loved one to some of their new favorite wines. This gift set includes:

Black Girl Magic California Riesling 2020 — Intensely aromatic, this wine shows typical ripe Riesling characteristics, including honey, apricot, and white flowers. Tangerine, jasmine, and coriander seed appear in the nose, as the palate turns to tropical flavors evocative of guava and pineapple.
Black Girl Magic California Rosé 2020 — This sophisticated dry Rosé has aromas of raspberry and orange blossom with delightful acidity and a mouthwatering fresh stone fruit and citrus palate.
Black Girl Magic California Zinfandel 2018 — Intensely aromatic, this wine shows fresh plum, dried cherry, and crushed black pepper on the nose. Mellow oak notes suggest cigar box and a hint of spicy Madagascar vanilla. With bold flavors and plenty of generous fruit, the palate delivers berry jam and dried fig alongside subtle spice notes. Dried cherry and mild black peppercorn linger on the finish.

Shipped in a luxe, ready-to-give gift box

A Mixed Case from Maison Noir

More from André Hueston Mack, this gift is for the wine enthusiast in your life, whether they enjoy variety on their own, or if they thrive on hosting intimate social gatherings at home. The mixed case provides a wide range of flavors that’s sure to please any palate that appreciates the joy of wine. Includes 3 bottles of each of the following:

Other People’s Pinot Noir — The 2020 Other People’s Pinot Gris is like Juggling Apples, Pears and Peaches while dancing to Pharell's "Happy" - enthralling, upbeat, fresh and deluxe.
New Noir — Stone fruit potpourri, racy acidity with a sprinkle of molten salt
Knock on Wood Chardonnay — A lean and mean wine with perfume of honeydew melon and pear surfing huge waves of minerals, bringing a nice tide of racy starfruit to the finish.
Horseshoes & Handgrenades — The rich, ripe, voluptuous fruit comes from Oregon Syrah with just enough Washington Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot to give it complexity and structure. Think cherry pits and leather whips!

Mixology Mixer

Mixology Mixer offers two options that are perfect for the would-be mixologist on your list. Their Mini Mix kits vary in sizes and prices to accommodate your needs, so you can add on bar tools and other items, depending on what they already have and what they may need. Their Club Mix is a monthly cocktail subscription that makes for the perfect gift to spoil the true cocktail aficionado in your life. This cocktail club is great for at-home mixologists who have always wanted to learn how to craft both classic and whimsical beverages. Subscribers receive a monthly cocktail kit with a different catchy theme to match, as well as everything needed to craft the kit’s curated cocktails.

Bonus: Don Pablo Bourbon Infused Coffee 

If your special someone’s spirit gets lifted from a different cup, whether from cutting back on alcohol or just being a normal adult, then this could easily be the best gift they get this year. Crafted in small batches that create an intense, full-bodied blend that definitely isn’t your average cup of joe, Don Pablo Coffee’s bourbon-infused roast is a flavorful, aromatic roast that has quickly become a sought-after blend among coffee aficionados that’s nonalcoholic. With intense tasting notes and superior beans, Don Pablo has taken the art of roasting to new levels by soaking the coffee beans in real Kentucky Bourbon. They are then roasted to perfection for a delicious infusion of flavor without the alcohol. Thank us later.

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