Winter Wellness at Home

Wellness is arguably even more important in the winter months than the rest of the year because bugs and illnesses are more likely to spread when the temperature drops, and mental health can take a nosedive too, but how exactly do you take good care of yourself during the winter season?
1. Keep the House Warm Enough
Nobody enjoys huddling under five blankets because they’re avoiding turning up the heat. Keeping the house warm enough is about more than comfort; it’s also about wellness. Cold homes can lead to stiffness, crankiness, and sometimes even illness – none of which make winter fun. So, go ahead and make sure your home is toasty, but do it smartly.
Use thermal curtains to trap heat in, seal up any drafty windows or doors, and switch on that heating (and be sure to have your HVAC company service your system so that it works efficiently) when it’s really chilly. If your house feels like an arctic tundra despite your efforts, space heaters in high-traffic rooms can help. And if you want to be extra savvy, consider a programmable thermostat to keep things cozy without overspending.
2. Get Moving (Yes, Even Inside)
The thought of going outside to exercise in winter? Hard pass. But moving around a bit at home is key to feeling good, and you don’t need to turn your living room into a gym to do it. Try a few stretches or some yoga (extra points if you’re wearing fuzzy socks). Even five minutes of moving around gets your circulation going, wakes you up, and – you guessed it – keeps you warm. If you’re feeling ambitious, throw on your favorite playlist and have a one-person dance party in the kitchen. You’ll warm up faster than any space heater could manage.
3. Make Your Own Vitamin D
With the sun hiding behind clouds all winter, it’s easy to feel a little low. Low light equals low vitamin D, which can lead to that bleh winter mood. But a quick fix is letting natural light in – even if it’s just through a small window. Open those curtains wide, pull up a chair, and let yourself soak up the light during the sunniest part of the day. And if natural light isn’t doing it, consider investing in a sunlight therapy lamp. It’s like a mini sunshine vacation right in your living room!
4. Embrace Cozy Corners
Creating a cozy nook is like giving yourself permission to relax – without the guilt. Pick a corner, add a plush throw blanket, grab a big mug of tea, and settle in with a good book or a binge-worthy series. Creating a designated spot to relax helps shift your mind into “chill mode,” which can work wonders for stress. It’s winter wellness that requires exactly zero effort – just wrap up and enjoy.
5. Hydrate Like It’s Summer
Winter air can be drying, making hydration even more crucial. Keep a bottle of water nearby or sip on herbal teas throughout the day to stay hydrated and keep that skin from feeling like sandpaper. Plus, hydration keeps your body working smoothly, helping you feel more energised, even when the weather says “hibernate.”
Here’s to a well winter!

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