Why Spilling Red Wine is No Reason to Panic

Do you remember your parents having friends over when you were growing up and spilling red wine onto carpet was a big deal? Most of us can remember it and that’s why when we host parties with our best friends we ensure that red wine stays in its glass and doesn’t take a swan dive towards the floor. The atmosphere is a bubbly one when you have friends over, and the last thing that you want to do is have to deal with the cleanup when red wine hits the deck.
You can get specialty stain removal when you need it, but you also need to think about the fact that you don’t actually need to be panicking when red wine spills. This is because red wine can be cleaned up with the right cleaners. There is absolutely no need to panic when red wine spells, and reading on will tell you exactly why you can relax and enjoy a lovely glass of red.
The very first thing that you must do when you are dealing with a red wine spillage – other than not panicking, is to deal with the excess. Red wine has a tendency to spread, and it doesn’t mean it’s going to soak up in the area so you need to get yourself a clean cloth, and you need to stop at the same. Do not – under any circumstances – rub the stain. All this will do is spread it and get it thinking straight into wherever the red wine has filled. This is something that you want to avoid as much as possible.
The next thing to do is to rinse the carpet or the clothing or the furniture to dilute the wine so that it doesn’t have a chance to set. For clothing, pouring on cold water from the backside is going to help. For carpets and sofas pouring water directly onto the red wine stain and blotting it with absorbent cloths immediately will work best. Keep in mind that this isn’t something that you can leave to do later – it has to be done at the moment after the spill.
Bear in mind that this is likely not to work straight away. Carpet and furniture specialty cleaning products very well may need to be used to help. Make sure that you are getting a soaking agent that really will work on your furniture, clothing or carpets, because you don’t want to choose a specialty product that isn’t going to work on your specific material. Having these in your cupboard in general is a good idea that you have them ready whenever a spill occurs.
Calling in the professionals may be necessary because even with all of your best efforts the chances are that the red wine is going to be stubborn. Some carpet and some furniture is dry clean only and it’s still a good idea to remove as much of the stain as you possibly can while it is wet. This will make it easier for the professionals to just have to deal with the remnants rather than trying to do the cleaning of an entire stain that hasn’t been touched.
Remember that time matters. Do not let a stain sit for days or weeks before trying to remove it. And don’t wait a week before you ring carpet cleaners because then it could be too late and the stain is now a permanent fixture in your home. You have to remember the same thing when it comes to your clothing that has been stained by red wine, because this should be put through the wash as soon as possible. Using an effective stain remover is important as it’s really going to help to get rid of the stains before they properly soak in. This is one of the most important things – time really does matter when it comes to stains so don’t wait around.
Lastly, there is a chance that the stain is never going to come out all the work you put into it won’t really help. You have to take the proper steps the moment to spell happens so that you can reduce the chance of the stain of it being permanent. There is no easy way to prevent spells and stains except to tell you to be less clumsy, and you can use slipcovers or you can avoid sudden red wine at social events. Three things that you should remember include staying calm, working quickly and blotting. All of these things is going to really help you to keep that stain under control.

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