The Benefits Of Olive Oil-Based Dishes

Largely due to their bad reputation, oils of all kinds are often treated as little more than add-ons to most dishes. Unfortunately, these negative connotations have led to the overlook of an oil that, if its high levels of usage in the Mediterranean are anything to go by, isn’t quite as bad for us as alternatives like coconut oil (which interestingly has the highest levels of saturated fat). Linked to health benefits including protection from cellular damage and cardiovascular disease, olive oil is a surprisingly wonderful ingredient that can transform taste, and enjoyment overall.
Unfortunately, while many of us now keep a bottle of the good stuff aside for a quick drizzle in everything from pasta dishes to tasty options like this baked chicken breast recipe, few of us would consider taking our oily love much further than that. In reality, though, there’s really no reason you shouldn’t make olive oil the star of at least a few of your go-to dishes. And, we’ve got three recipes to prove precisely that!
# 1 - Olive oil dip
What better way to add a Mediterranean flair to your dinner table than with a classy olive oil dip? Whether for a classy dinner party hors d’oeuvre or just a pre-meal snack, this dip is quick, delicious, and guaranteed to win its place in your recipe hall of fame.
½ cup of extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons finely grated parmesan
2 garlic cloves
Pinch of sea salt
Fresh ground pepper
Pinch of chili flakes
1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary
1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
Finely mince your garlic and add it to a bowl with your seasonings.
Add the cheese and mix ingredients together, using the back of a spoon to crush the garlic for flavor.
Pour over the olive oil and mix until spices run all the way through.
Serve with bread/breadsticks/etc.
# 2 - Olive oil flatbread
Olive oil is an incredibly diverse ingredient that can be used in way more dishes than you’d expect. Whether you fancy pairing your olive oil dip with some homemade flatbreads or have simply been searching for a go-to flatbread recipe that always turns out well, these surprisingly simple olive oil flatbread is guaranteed to go down a treat.
2 cups of all-purpose flour
⅓ cup of olive oil
½ cup of water
Sprinkle of salt
Preheat your oven to 500°F
Combine flour and salt
In a separate bowl, combine olive oil and water. Whisk well.
Add your wet ingredients to your flour mixture and stir until combined into a firm dough.
Remove the dough and knead into a smooth ball.
Cut into 12 small pieces and roll each into a ball before flattening on a floured surface to a round of roughly 3-4 inch thickness.
Place on an ungreased baking tray and sprinkle with a little more salt.
Place in oven for 4-5 minutes on one side and roughly 2-3 on the other.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before serving.

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