Health Issues to Consider as You Get Older

As you get older, your risk of developing certain health problems can increase. But talking openly about health is something that a lot of older people are not inclined to do. It can feel very personal, and many feel uncomfortable talking about it with their doctor, let alone their family and friends. However, talking about your health is important for several reasons. It can help to discuss any concerns that you have and decide whether you need to see a doctor. It can also help to ease the stigma surrounding certain health issues and talking about them, which might encourage your friends and family to talk about their own problems.
There are certain health issues that definitely deserve your attention as you age. These are some of the things that you should be talking about.
Mental Health
Mental health can be a tough issue to talk about at any age. It may be more normalized than it used to be, but a lot of people aren't used to talking about their mental health or emotions so openly. As you get older, you can be at increased risk of developing some mental health problems. A lot of older people deal with depression and anxiety, for example. Talking about your mental health can help by providing an outlet for your feelings. It can lead to you getting help when you need it and ensure you're not bottling everything up.
Loneliness is a health issue that you might not think about until you're older. But as you reach your later years and perhaps get less mobile, you can find that loneliness is something you experience more often. You might lose friends, and maybe your family is busy having their own lives. Loneliness can lead to mental health problems and more. People might not realize that you're feeling lonely, so it's important to talk about it. If you don't have friends or family members you can talk to, there are other places to get support. You can find charities, online groups, and other places to find conversation and make friends.
Sexual Health
Sexual health might seem like something you don't have to worry about much when you get older. But sex doesn't stop when you reach your later years. At least, you may not stop wanting to have sex, but you can come up against various issues. Many people find that their sex drive is lower when they're older. Men can find that they struggle with erectile dysfunction, and might find people suddenly recommending the little blue pill to them. But what is the blue pill? This term is used by many to refer to viagra, sometimes simply as a nickname but also because some men feel shy about talking about this issue. However, it's common to experience issues related to your sexual health as you get older, and it's nothing to be shy about.
Memory Loss and Cognitive Impairment
Your brain can be affected by the aging process too. Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia are risks as you get older. However, you don't have to be diagnosed with dementia to experience some memory problems or cognitive issues. Your brain can start to struggle with some things as you age, especially if you don't keep it active. Cognitive impairment can affect many elements of your health, so it's important to discuss it. It can help not only you but also your friends and family who could deal with it too.
Several types of cancer are more common for older people over the age of 50 or 60. Breast cancer is more common for older women, men have an increased risk of prostate cancer, and everyone has a higher risk of bowel cancer. Fortunately, there are ways to screen for some of the most common cancers. Talking about these cancers helps to encourage people to get important tests. It also helps to discuss certain issues that you're worried might be signs of cancer. Someone else's encouragement can give you the push you need to see a doctor.
Substance Abuse
You might be surprised to know that substance abuse is a significant issue for older people. One in five people over 65 have had a substance abuse issue at some point in their lives. Alcohol and tobacco are the most common substances that are abused, but other substances cause problems too. Substance abuse has an impact on overall health and should be taken seriously at any age.
Talk about your health with other people as you get older and be more open about how you're feeling.

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