Staying Creative in Troubling Times

Now is a particularly difficult time for creators as we attempt to churn out quality content in the midst of a public health crisis. With the surging numbers of COVID-19 cases, an economic crisis, and the looming threat of an all out race war, how is a creator supposed to keep going in the midst of all this mayhem?
Many creators already have a difficult time sustaining themselves financially and encounter multiple obstacles while pursuing their careers and dreams. Couple that with the intersectionality of being Black and the shit starts to hit the fan. Creating while Black can be exhausting and painfully triggering. This is because some of an artist's best work comes out of pain, trauma, or another negative event experienced by the individual. It’s no secret that existing while Black can be and has been a dangerous and sometimes deadly experience for many. Being choked, racially profiled, or having the cops called on you for walking your dog or checking your mailbox can all be traumatic and damaging. While it’s undoubtedly traumatizing for those who’ve experienced it, it can be equally devastating for those who experience these trauma’s by proxy.
As the months have roiled on, finding the right mental capacity and headspace to just get out of bed has been challenging for many. Life, death, and safety have been at the forefront of hearts and minds for the past several months. It’s given way to experiences of chronic stress and anxiety by many within the Black community that are still expected and often required to show up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when handling business, dealing with family, friends, and coworkers alike. It’s important that time is carved out, not to create, but to conduct a self-assessment ensuring that you, the creator, are still okay. Safety and well-being is the most important aspect of ensuring that you’re in a position to continue creating, but it must be done in a healthy space and place. If you are struggling to survive and thrive as a creator during this time consider the following:
Seek professional counseling or therapy — this is a hard stop for many. If you’re not taking care of yourself mentally then you aren’t going to be any good to yourself, anyone else, or your creative artistry.
Adjust to the changing landscape — now’s the time to pivot and adjust your content and offerings to fit the needs of the market. Conduct surveys or join social media groups to get a better understanding of what people need.
Remove the distractions — things are already stressful enough, don’t add to it by forcing yourself to create or staying engaged with things going on around you. Unplug and just let things be. Right now is a very volatile moment and trying to force creative muse can actually be a distraction as it may be the cause of undue stress.
Enjoy this time — this is much easier said than done for many people, but all of this chaos has forced many of us to be in isolation and reconcile some things in our lives that we may not have otherwise addressed pre-apocalyptic times. Take a moment to literally smell the roses and take note of the environment around you; this could be the fuel to the next chapter that burns brighter in your life.
No matter the circumstance, creating while Black is hella difficult because just existing while Black is a real doozy in these COVID-19 times. Do yourself a favor and seek solace from all this chaos. Stop punishing yourself and create some peace by any means necessary.

Kymberly "K-Rants" Akpowowo is a xennial blogger, licensed social worker, and committed social-change agent with a strong background in behavioral health services, community administration, and advocacy. She is passionate about health-related topics, politics, poverty, and women’s empowerment among other things. Through her blog,, she has made it her personal agenda to keep the uninformed informed. She currently works for HHSC where she has the privilege of ensuring that residents are receiving adequate and efficient care. She is also very active in community development and integrated healthcare initiatives geared towards reducing recidivism among target populations. You can learn more about Kymberly aka “K-rants” and her passions by following her: @krants31