Now’s the Time to Force a Few Spring Flowering Bulbs

In just fifteen minutes you can plant a beautiful garden guaranteed to brighten your spirits and indoor décor this winter. All you need is a container with drainage holes, potting mix, and some tulips, daffodils and other spring-flowering bulbs. Once you have gathered the needed materials, you can get started planting.
Select bulbs labeled for forcing, shorter varieties that are less likely to flop or pre-chilled bulbs that don’t need chilling. Plant a container of one type of bulb or use a combination for added color, texture, form and a longer bloom time. Tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths are most common, but you may want to add another layer of color with shorter bulbs like crocus, squills, and grape hyacinths.
Select a container with drainage holes and cover the bottom with an inch or two well-drained potting mix. Set bulbs on the potting mix with the pointed side, if it has one, up and root side down. Place the flat side of the tulip bulb toward the outside of the pot for a better display. Pack the container full of bulbs for an impressive display. Cover the bulbs with soil and water thoroughly.
Or create a garden of spring flowers in a pot using a variety of large and small bulbs. Place the largest bulbs on the lowest level of a large container. Cover with soil and add the medium-sized bulbs. Cover these and add the smallest bulbs. Then cover with several inches of potting mix and water thoroughly.
Move the potted bulbs to a cold location with temperatures between 35 and 45 degrees for 15 weeks to initiate flowering. This is often the most challenging part of the process. Place the potted bulbs in a spare refrigerator where you do not store fruits and vegetables that produce ethylene that can interfere with flowering. Skip this step if you purchased pre-chilled bulbs that need no additional cold treatment.
Start removing the pots from cold storage after fifteen weeks of chilling. Extend your enjoyment by removing pots at one- or two-week intervals.
Move the chilled container of bulbs to a cool location with indirect light for two weeks. Water thoroughly and often enough to keep the soil moist. Move them to a bright sunny window when the leaves are about four to six inches tall. Bright sunlight and temperatures around 65 degrees Fahrenheit will give you the best results. You’ll be enjoying flowers in about three to four weeks after removing them from storage.
Use pots of forced bulbs as centerpieces or flowering accents indoors. Save a few to use outdoors on your balcony, deck or front steps for added color in your spring landscape. Dress up your display by placing the pots in window boxes or planters and cover with mulch or moss.
Planting and forcing bulbs will help you add spring-flowering bulbs to your indoor décor or outdoor landscape. They provide a colorful bridge between your winter and summer gardens.
Melinda Myers is the author of more than 20 gardening books, including Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” DVD series and the nationally syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment TV & radio segments. Myers is a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine and was commissioned by Longfield Gardens for her expertise to write this article. Myers’ web site is