10 Tips to Conquer the Quarantine

As the state continues to deal with the Rona, being trapped inside has become the new norm. Whether you’re working from home or just stuck there, it’s easy to get a little stir crazy and lose personal progress you’ve made before the pandemic began. To help combat backpedaling, we’ve got 10 tips to be the best you and come out of this better than ever.
10. Get ready for the day.
Even though you’re likely not going anywhere (STAY INSIDE UNLESS YOU HAVE TO GO OUT), one of the best things you can do to maintain a mindset of success and growth is to prepare for each day like it matters — because it does. Take your shower, shave where needed and set goals for the day. Keeping up a routine will help you stay on top of your game.
9. Get off your phone
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all the other social media apps you check are all the same — you’re not missing anything. Everybody is stuck inside just like you, and if they’re on social media then they’re likely not being productive. The memes will be there when you get back. Give your phone a break and do something different.
8. Create something
Not a baby. If you’re not having to chase around kids the entire time, now’s the perfect time to explore a passion project or two. Try some drawing tutorials on YouTube, develop that screenplay you’ve been talking about for two year, or even get out your notebook and start working on your debut album — you may not have studio time, but when you do, your bars will be ready. If you’re more of an entrepreneur, take this time to develop your plan of action for once this is all over. Don’t go into 2021 with Coronakid.
7. Find your struggle buddies
It’s safe to say that life is a little crazy for most Texans, but that doesn’t mean you have to be alone in this chapter. Instead of wallowing in isolation, reach out to some of your closest friends or even a distant friend or two and reconnect. Learn about what had been going on in their lives before the pandemic and what plans they have for the future. Many streaming services offer methods to host watch parties, so you can enjoy movie night just the good ole days. You may have to practice social distancing, but that doesn’t mean disconnecting.
6. Check your health
DRINK WATER! You have no reason not to. But aside from that, take care of your body inside and out, and make sure you’re getting your vitamins and minerals. Being stuck inside, you’re likely missing out of vitamin D, so open up those windows. Be mindful of what you’re putting in your body, because now you can’t even go to the gym to burn off those extra calories.
5. Read
If you’ve made it this far down the list, then you’re off to a good start. Come out of quarantine a wiser Texan, ready to bless your friends with your newfound wisdom and insight. If you’ve managed to read everything in your collection already, consider checking out our list of books from 2019. They’re all still great reads, and many offer digital versions so you don’t have to wait for a hard copy to arrive in the mail.
4. Exercise
Even though the gyms are closed, summer is still on the way. Regardless of the cosmetic benefits of working out, fitness is important for your general health more than anything. Don’t come out of quarantine having to start back at square one. You may not be able to run a 5k in your living room, but there are many workouts that can be done at home that work the entire body and raise your heart rate. Now’s the perfect time to take control of your physical fitness and consider High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to keep improving. Best of all, you don’t have to worry about comparing yourself to the perfectly sculpted fitness fanatic that somehow happens to have the same workout schedule as you. ProTip: Open a window for good air circulation.
3. Eat well
We’ve seen all the memes, gifs, Tik-Toks and videos — everybody has jokes about eating tons of junk food and basically hibernating. Don’t let that be you. It can be tempting to snack throughout the day — and a snack won’t kill you — but don’t let it get out of control. Let this be your opportunity to give meal prep a chance or just time to try some new recipes. We’ve got tons of recipes to try out, if you’re looking for inspiration *hint hint*
2. Find your Zen
If you’re working from home, especially if that includes a pint-sized co-worker, finding time to declutter your mind is critical. Now that you can’t distract yourself with social outings, take a moment to focus on you. Self care is real. Reflect on your life; have things gone the way you hoped? What things are in your power to change? What can you do to create more happiness in your life? Do you have an attitude of gratitude? Taking a break just for you each day can really make a difference in your outlook, even in these unique times.
1. Find your moments
Whether we like it or not, this is the situation that we’re in right now. Life hasn’t stopped, and this is something you’ll likely remember for the rest of your life. Give each day some brevity and make moments that you can look back on and smile. Whether that be a dance battle with your kids, making a mess attempting to bake, or doing any of the other things on this list, take control of your life and make moments that you’ll be happy about once things are normal again.
Hopefully this quarantine won’t last much longer, but even if it does, we’ll be here to keep you company. Either way, we want you to come out of this with your sanity intact.

Nick Bailey is a forward thinking journalist with a well-rounded skill set unafraid to take on topics head on. He now resides in Austin, TX and continues to create content on a daily basis.