Getting Your Partner into the Gym

Are you trying to get that body summertime fine? Most people made New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and get in shape, but now they’re nowhere to be found. Hopefully that wasn’t you — but it could have been your significant other or a close friend. If you’ve learned to love the grind and have welcomed a fit lifestyle, then spread the love and bring a partner into the fit fam!
Chances are, they’ll be hesitant to get off the couch at first — they’ll give you every excuse in the book, from genetic disadvantages [that haven’t been verified] to shin splints — but it may be up to you to give them the push they need. There’s no nice way to say “hey fam, you’re packing on some extra pounds,” and trust me when I tell you that statement won’t be received well no matter how you phrase it. But there are ways to get them motivated and I’ve got five for ya here.
Bringing a buddy into the mix is often difficult because your partner may feel the need to play catch up — cut that off early. If you’ve got months of a head start, then trying to workout at your level will likely be more discouraging when they can’t keep up. Instead, meet them on their level. Help them set small, realistic goals that push them but are also achievable. Being able to jog a half-mile under seven minutes is a fair place to start. Finding ways to bring them into your workout schedule helps too. Once they build up some confidence, sit down with them and help them create a fitness plan.
Couples that lift together, stick together! You know how hard it is to leave a V-cut and nice arms? It’s pretty hard. Working out together helps you build together, inside and out. I’ve seen multiple couples at my Planet Fitness working out together, and starting out with a single Black Card membership can save money because you can bring your partner as a guest until they’re ready to workout on their own. If you’re at different ability levels, try switching it up to bodyweight exercises like burpees, pushups, and more. Most Planet Fitness gyms have a PF 30-Minute Express Circuit that combines 10 strength machines and 10 cardio-step stations for a full-body training session.
Simply put, don’t get caught lackin’. Work together to hold each other accountable for reaching your goals. Part of that means being mindful of when you or them lose the momentum or get in a rut. Don’t give up on them, and help them keep from giving up on themselves. You’re a team — have each others’ back. If you want to increase the effectiveness of your workouts consider investing in a Hyperwear Hyper Vest Elite. This weighted vest is designed to stay snug to the body and can add up to 20 pounds to your body. It’s also made to be breathable and odor-resistant so you won’t have to worry about trapping sweat in.
I know this one may be hard to be mindful of — they’re merely adopting the gym life. You were born in it, molded by it. But as they begin their journey to a healthier self, be their biggest cheerleader. Create a reward system that helps to keep them motivated and shows them that you see their hard work. Maybe cook their favorite meal at the end of a solid workout month, or surprise them with some new workout swag. These may seem like simple things, but they can go a long way with keeping your partner pumped about getting fit.
The victory lap doesn’t have to happen on the treadmill. When you see them reach a goal or break a personal record, celebrate it! You’ve seen them grow from where they started, you’ve held them accountable, and you’ve cheered them on along the way. Now it’s time to celebrate your partner’s hard work. This makes a great way to sneak in a date night or a splurge gift. Show them that you see the grind and you’re proud of them. Maybe consider taking those glutes for a test ride in the bedroom after date night? Who knows, it’s up to you.
Using these five tips will help get your couch potato out of the house and into a happier healthier life.
Hopefully, these tips are helpful in getting to people close to you off the couch and into the gym. That way, both of you can hit the pool with confidence when the time is right.

Nick Bailey is a forward thinking journalist with a well-rounded skill set unafraid to take on topics head on. He now resides in Austin, TX and continues to create content on a daily basis.