5 Tips for Active Summer Families

Summer is perfect for staying active and spending time outdoors with loved ones, but the frantic pace of the season and overload of activities can take a toll on the entire family. With a little care and pampering, you can enjoy summer to the fullest while still keeping your family rejuvenated.
5. Eat Well
Food is fuel, and it's necessary to keep the entire family energized. During warmer weather, cravings often lean toward lighter foods, making it the perfect time to add extra servings of seasonal fruits or vegetables to the family table each night. Also remember to ensure family members are drinking plenty of water as extended time in the sun can lead to dehydration and dry skin if fluids aren't frequently replenished.
4. Make Sleep A Priority
Sleep is as important to your body as nutrition and exercise, and making it a priority can be beneficial, especially when your family's calendar is packed with events. Sufficient, high-quality sleep contributes to a healthy immune system and helps repair damage done throughout the day. It also positively impacts metabolism and overall function while contributing to emotional and mental well-being. Most doctors recommend 6-8 hours per night for adults, and kids of all ages typically require even more, so work on getting into a nightly routine to ensure all members of the family are getting the rest they need.
3. Pamper Yourself
Once you've completed chores in the heat or spent time enjoying family activities in the sun, some simple pampering can be done at home to rejuvenate skin. Start with your hands, which are at the center of everything you do and often the first point of contact with an activity, whether it's cooking, gardening, crafting or aiding friends and family. The unique formula of Softsoap Hand Wash Plus Lotion liquid hand soap is made with a touch of lotion to lock in moisture for clean, soft hands. Available in Shea & Cocoa Butter, Aloe Water & Lime and Orchid & Coconut Milk fragrances, this innovative formula can make your hands irresistibly smooth, so your touch is always a soft touch.
2. Exercise
Even a little activity can have a huge impact. The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity at least five days a week. Taking time out of your family's busy summer schedule to go for a walk, ride bikes around the park or neighborhood, or play a game outside together can contribute to maintaining a healthy weight and feeling more energized.
1. Slow Down
It's easy to spread yourself too thin, especially in the summer when there are often more activities requiring your attention and attendance. When you get caught up in trying to make the most out of every second of every day, it can take a toll on both your family's physical and emotional well-being. Slow down and take that well-deserved personal time - even just an hour a day - to do something you enjoy with the ones you love. Remember to take small breaks during activities to stretch or take a short walk to help relieve potential stress on your body.

Nick Bailey is a forward thinking journalist with a well-rounded skill set unafraid to take on topics head on. He now resides in Austin, TX and continues to create content on a daily basis.