5 Reasons to Clean this Season

Summer isn’t often thought of as the time to clean, but really there’s never a bad time to rejuvenate your home, regardless of size. You don’t have to spend every weekend dusting and decluttering, but if you put in the effort to deep clean and get organized, this could be the season for you to shine. If you need motivation to get started, we’ve got five reasons to get started.
5. Keep that New Year's resolution
Believe it or not, we’re halfway through the year. There’s a good chance that you, like most other Americans, made a resolution at the beginning of the year to lead a happier, more fulfilling life in one way or another, but you fell off. If you want to get ahead, you gotta keep that same energy as when you made your resolution, and one of the easiest ways to boost your daily experience is by being able to leave work and arrive at a clean, organized home.
4. What once was lost is now found
This one usually applies more to younger adults, but you really never know how much money you’ll find floating around your home once you really get to deep cleaning. I’ve had friends find more than $50 in loose change and misplaced money when they deep cleaned their apartments. Hopefully you’re better with your cash, but you won’t know until you clean out that couch. You’d be amazed at what you’ll find when you really get organized and deep clean each room. Obviously, finding money is great, but what about that remote you lost or that one necklace your friend swears they didn’t borrow? Your home may be a treasure trove of items long lost to the void!
3. Prepping for the backyard barbecue
Summertime means fun in the sun, dominoes and throwing down on the grill, but if you’re hosting the get together then you need to make sure your lawn looks the part. After all of the mood swings Texas weather has taken in winter and spring, it’s time to take action and save your lawn. We’ve got tips for a healthy lawn to help you stunt on that one friend that thinks the grass in greener on their side. Think of it like party prep instead of yard work. And make sure somebody holds the phone sideways for videos at the get together.
2. Make room for new Style
While you’re going through the house cleaning and organizing, be honest with yourself about things you can get rid of. If you didn’t clear out the clutter back in January, fear not. This is your chance to gather up all those clothes you love but don’t wear, those kitchen gadgets you never actually use, and even a few of those gifts you never got around to using. There are plenty of options for getting rid of these items, and you can make some extra cash in the process. This could be more money to revamp your wardrobe for the rest of the year.
1. Stunt on the gram
Once you’ve got a clean, clutter-free home and everything has settled there’s really only one thing left to do — make your friends sick by showing off your style online. Show off that clean kitchen with the new menu board and herbal tea! Let them see the succulent sitting by the bathroom sink by the nice towels. Let the masses know that you have officially glown up, and summer is the time to shine on ‘em. If you really want to kill the game this summer, check out Wall Charmers for faux taxidermy animal heads to step up your style whether you want something chic to add flare to you bedroom, or something that’s regal AF — I recommend the Virginia in black and gold, but they have tons of options to choose from. Regardless of what you pick to upgrade your newly clean home, just make sure to tag us in your Instagram pics so we can support your glow up.
Take this season to give yourself a blissful sense of accomplishment by cleaning up and giving your home some new life by deep cleaning from top to bottom.

Nick Bailey is a forward thinking journalist with a well-rounded skill set unafraid to take on topics head on. He now resides in Austin, TX and continues to create content on a daily basis.